rti controllo wireless T3x

The culmination of over 20 years of award-winning engineering and
design experience is clearly reflected in the T3x – the flagship controller
from RTI. Precision crafted with a 3.5” flush-mounted high-resolution
touchscreen and fully programmable soft-touch buttons, this handheld
beauty has exceptional ergonomics. Building on the technological
advancements of its predecessors, the T3x redefines the expectations of
what is possible with a remote control, starting with grip sensors, an
accelerometer, two-way control, WiFi®, dual RF, and more. The amazing
T3x takes the level of innovation to new heights with haptic feedback on
the touchscreen, which gives the user a subtle vibration as confirmation
of a button press. The built-in camera and microphone are yet another
example of the advanced capabilities of the T3x, providing video intercom
support directly on the remote.

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